The management and organization of the various International Dzogchen Community (IDC) Gars/centers and Lings/groups are administered by the local Gakyils.
The Gakyil, also known as the Mandala of Joy, comprises three sections, symbolized by the colors blue, red, and yellow, which correspond respectively to the dimensions of mind, energy, and body. The Blue Gakyil is responsible for practice and cultural activities and communications.The Red Gakyil oversees the maintenance, upgrade, and development of the center. The Yellow Gakyil takes care of all aspects of financial management of the Gar. All Gakyil members support one another according to circumstances, irrespective of color responsibilities.
The Gakyil
The Gakyil is a collective body, without any type of hierarchy, and decisions are reached by common consent. Gakyils can be made up of three, six, or nine Gakyil members who can serve a one year renewable term, but a three year term is preferable according to the IDC guidelines. In addition to the local Gar and Ling Gakyils, there is also the International Gakyil (IG) who is in direct contact with Rinpoche’s family, and whose role is that of management and coordination.
For more information please visit the website of the International Dzogchen Community (IDC) International Gakyil:
Current Tsegyalgar East Gakyil
General Gakyil Contact:
Marsha Ellison
Ellen Halbert
Al Daggett