For your convenience, we have made a map of the area around Tsegyalgar and Khandroling showing connections to major highways. Download Map
The map shows the various roads around the towns of Conway, Ashfield, Buckland, and Shelburne Falls, where our courses and practice retreats are usually held. The hilltowns are rural, and there is no public transportation available. GPS will not always give you clear directions, and you may sometimes not have cell phone coverage or internet access. If you require clearer travel directions, make sure to stop in Shelburne Falls. It is a larger town with amenities, and excellent internet and cell access.
The Peter Pan Bus Company or Greyhound Bus Company can bring you as far as Greenfield, MA and Northampton, MA.
AMTRAK has a train stop in Northhampton and Greenfield! The train is called the Vermonter. It is a direct train to and from New York City, once a day.
In addition, the Amtrak runs to and from Springfield many times a day. Amtrak schedules and fares here:
If you arrive in Springfield, continue to Travel by Bus. Caution: arrange your travel connections ahead of time. More buses from NYC terminate in Northampton or Amherst than come all the way to Greenfield.
The nearest airport to Tsegyalgar East is Bradley International Airport (BDL) in Hartford, Connecticut. From the airport, it is a one hour, 50 mile ride up the Connecticut River valley to Tsegyalgar. Logan Airport (BOS) in Boston is a two hour drive from Tsegyalgar. John F. Kennedy (JFK) or LaGuardia (LGA) International airports in New York City are a four hour drive. From the Airport to Tsegyalgar:
Boston Logan Airport to Northampton - check out the Rome2Rio website:
Rome2Rio searches any city, town, landmark, attraction or address across the globe with thousands of multi-modal routes to easily get you from A to B.
The main roads of our hilltowns form a circle around Khandroling, where our beautiful new Vajra hall is on the summit of a mountain in the forest. The towns of Conway, Ashfield, and Shelburne Falls are each about 10 miles from the other: from Conway you can drive west to Ashfield on Rt 116, then north to Shelburne Falls on Rt 112, and then south to Conway again on the Conway/Shelburne Falls Road.
THESE HILLTOWNS ARE NOT CONNECTED BY PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION. If you are lodging in the hilltowns you will certainly need access to a car (unless you are walking distance to Tsegyalgar). As usual, the optimal arrangement will be for small groups of travelers to lodge in one place and rent a car together or share rides.
See Accommodations near Tsegyalgar. With a car, you can drive to Shelburne Falls for lunch, and find excellent restaurants and college town ambience in the evenings in Northampton (20 miles) or Amherst (20 miles).