Summary of Migmay and YouTube Video links

Hi everyone,

Thanks for your wonderful participation, especially in last Sunday's class, where we approached "Migmay" for the first time. Here's a summary of this topic:

Fixation without an object
The three migmays = fixation without intention:

  1. Sharp focus w/o object. Mind, breathing & gaze united, not disturbed by thoughts (still has intention)
  2. Recognition of thinking." Relax when thoughts arise. (Relax effort, BVM, one-pointedness)
  3. Clear distinction between calm state (nepa) & movement of thoughts (gyuba). Continue relaxation w/precise attentive presence of mind & all senses.

Secondly, all but two of our class videos are available on these unlisted YouTube links:

Also, it's a great opportunity to join the Anniversary of Guru Garab Dorje Worldwide Guruyoga Day on Friday, March 14th, 2025, at 03:00am GMT (Tenerife) - Thursday, March 13th 11:00pm EDT NYC Time, when we'll practice together with the webcast of Chogyal Namkhai Norbu's video leading this practice.
Check your time Zone>>

The guruyoga explanation is available in the Webcast Replay* section.
*These links are available to members. You will need to login with your member user name and password.
