Dates: Starts on February 6th, 2023 and occurs every week on Mondays until March 13th, 2023

Time: 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM

Atiyoga Book Club

Atiyoga Book Club: Online Meditation & Reading Group
Led by Lynn Newdome authorized instructor

ATIYOGA BOOK CLUB: Online Meditation & Reading Group
Module One: "The Mirror: Advice on Presence and Awareness"
Mondays, February 6 - March 13, 2023 @ 12:00 noon - 1:00 pm ET (NYC time)
Led by Lynn Newdome (authorized instructor)

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The Atiyoga Book Club will integrate the study of Namkhai Norbu's books with the practice of meditation. There will be several 6-week modules during 2023, each focusing on a different text.

In Module One we'll read The Mirror: Advice on Presence and Awareness, aiming to investigate presence and awareness in meditation, within daily life, and as a foundation for discovering the nature of mind.

Each session (approx. 1 hour) will include:

  • Shiné meditation instruction and a short guided practice,
  • Reading and exploration of a selection from the book, and
  • Discussion of participants' personal experiences of meditation.

The Atiyoga Book Club is open to everyone with an interest in Namkhai Norbu's teachings, whether or not they've received Dzogchen "transmission." The only requirement is that participants join with video, so we can all see and communicate with each other in a more personal way.

This program, developed by the Meditation Dept. of  the International Atiyoga Foundation, is a collaboration with Shang Shung Publications and Tsegyalgar East.

All participants need to register themselves on the program landing page to receive the Zoom link and session notifications. This is the link:

The Meditation Instructor: Lynn Newdome
Lynn Newdome has studied and practiced Buddhist meditation since 1974. She has been a student of Chögyal Namkhai Norbu since 1999, and an authorized Santi Maha Sangha ("Dzogchen Community") Instructor since 2015. Lynn is on the Meditation Department of the International Atiyoga Foundation. She near the Dzogchen Community Center of 'Tsegyalgar East' in Massachusetts (US), and is also a professional violinist and teacher.

To begin, this program will be presented in English (only), but we're looking for volunteer translators. Contact Giovanni Totino at if you are interested in being a translator.

Course Overview:
Session 1:  Monday, February 6, 2023
    Topic: Introduction to Dzogchen Practice
    Guided Meditation: Recognizing Body, Voice and Mind
Session 2:  Monday, February 13, 2023
    Topic: Understanding 'Mind'
    Guided Meditation: Establishing Presence with Focus
Session 3:  Monday, February 20, 2023
    Topic: Developing Presence and Awareness
    Guided Meditation: Relaxing in the Calm State
Session 4:  Monday, February 27, 2023
    Topic: The Calm State and Movement of Thoughts
    Guided Meditation: Relating with Thoughts
Session 5:  Monday, March 6, 2023 
    Topic: Observing Ourselves without Bias
    Guided Meditation: Incorporating Perceptions
Session 6:  Monday, March 13, 2023
    Topic: Living in Presence and Awareness
    Guided Meditation: Integrating in Daily Life

The Mirror: Advice on Presence and Awareness is available from Shang Shung Publications:

Upcoming modules of the Atiyoga Book Club:

  • Module 2 (spring 2023): Opening Our Minds
  • Module 3 (fall 2023): Starting the Evolution