Date: November 4th-8th, 2020.
Time: 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Dates: Wednesday, November 4, thru Sunday, November 8, 2020
Time: 10:00am-12:00pm (ET - NYC Time)
via Zoom videoconference
The videoconference link will be emailed one day prior to the retreat.
Check your time zone:
For language translation needs please contact
This retreat is only for IDC members who received transmission from Rinpoche during the Jnana Dakini Thugthig retreat given at Tsegyalgar East in 2012, and in Australia, Merigar West and Merigar East as well. Those who received the lung of Jnana Dakini Thuthig or that of Gomadevi Longsal may attend as well.
Cost: $100/Complete Course - Contact if you want to attend on a per day basis.
We ask that all participants register for courses/practice retreats regardless if online connections are shared. If you are an IDC member and need financial assistance please contact No one will be turned away thanks to the principle of sponsorship.
Support Tsegyalgar East, or your local Gar or Ling, by joining or rejoining the International Dzogchen Community (IDC) in 2020. Your membership benefits your Gar/Ling of choice, and enables you to support our global community as you participate in online weekly programs/courses/practice retreats.
Please consider supporting the Tsegyalgar East Sponsorship Program.
With gratitude,
Tsegyalgar East Gakyil
Boundless Embrace - Explanation and Practice of Jnana Dakini Thugthig with Steven Landsberg
This course will deal primarily with the explanation and practice of the Jnana Dakini Thugthig, or Essence of the Mind of the Jnana Dakini. She is inseparable from our very own state of instant presence, our own natural state beyond any concept. Leaving behind the barriers of acceptance and rejection, the path of the Jnana Dakini opens a space in which everything is recognized as a wisdom possibilty. Rather than abandoning samsara, we embrace it as the appearance of wisdom.
We will go through the various visualizations described in Chögyal Namkhai Norbu’s Longsal text as well as learn the melodies associated with the practice. During each session we will devote considerable time to the application of visualization and recitation of mantra.
Furthermore, there will be discussion of some Santi Maha Sangha Base Level topics related to the view, meditation, and behaviour of Anu and Ati yoga and some time spent practicing the Seventh Lojong.
Steven Landsberg went to India in 1967 and spent almost ten years there studying Indian classical music and Tibetan Buddhism. After returning to the United States, he had the fortunate opportunity to meet Chögyal Namkhai Norbu and be introduced to the view and practise of Dzogchen. Steven immersed himself in the Santi Maha Sangha program which Rinpoche started in the 1990s and became an active participant in the establishment of Tashi Gar Norte in 2002. He served on their Gakyil or Board from 2008-2013. Rinpoche authorized him to teach in 2010 and he has been travelling throughout South America and Europe giving courses on the Santi Maha Sangha base during the last eight years, and giving public courses on mindful presence. He is currently serving as the president of the International Dzogchen Community.
Shang Shung USA Bookstore Resourses*
*Reserved items are materials intended for the Dzogchen Community. In order to purchase this item one must be a current member of the Dzogchen Community, and must have received Transmission from Chogyal Namkhai Norbu.