Date: November 16th, 2024, including 11/17/24.

Learning the Ganapuja

Learning the Ganapuja
A Dzogchen Community Collective Practice
with authorized Santi Maha Sangha teacher Lynn Newdome

Saturday & Sunday, November 16th & 17th, 2024
Tsegyalgar East Schoolhouse Gonpa, 18 Schoolhouse Rd., Conway, MA and online via Zoom

Daily Schedule:

  • Saturday, November 16th
    10:00am-1:00pm - talk, practice, discussion (with a tea break)
    1:00pm-2:30pm - lunch (bring your own & food to share) and Bookstore open
    2:30pm-5:30pm -  talk, practice, discussion (with a tea break)
  • Sunday, November 17th
    10:00am-1:00pm - talk, practice, discussion (with a tea break)
    1:00pm-2:30pm - lunch (bring your own & food to share) and Bookstore open
    2:30pm-4:00pm - talk, practice, discussion
    4:00pm-4:30pm - set up for Ganapuja
    4:30pm-6:00pm - Celebratory Ganapuja with Dzogchen Community

All times are EST NYC Time (Eastern Standard Time / New York City Time
Check your time zone>>

For Schoolhouse or local accommodations visit our accommodation page>>

This workshop will delve into the Ganapuja, an essential practice we do together as a Community (in-person and online) four times a month. We'll go over the meaning and principles of the Ganapuja to understand its various sections and visual images, and learn the mantras and melodies.

The program is geared toward helping new practitioners join this practice, and to helping any practitioner deepen their understanding of the Ganapuja.

Open discussion will play a major role in this workshop. Participants will be encouraged to ask questions and talk about any aspect of practicing Dzogchen, including the experience of transmission, the role of Guru Yoga, integrating practice with daily life, etc.

At the end of the workshop (Sunday afternoon at 4:30pm), we'll hold a celebratory Ganapuja, joined by longstanding members of the Dzogchen Community! For Sunday's Ganapuja, participants are encouraged to bring an "offering" of food or drink. These may include meat and wine.

This workshop is open to practitioners who have received transmission from Chögyal Namkhai Norbu or Yeshi Namkhai, and also to those who have demonstrated a serious commitment to receive transmission when it next becomes available.

If you haven't received transmission, please email your name, state, country and reason for wanting the transmission to If you've taken classes from a Dzogchen Community teacher, you may include a note of recommendation from them.

Support Tsegyalgar East, or your local Gar or Ling, by joining or rejoining the International Dzogchen Community (IDC). Your membership benefits your local center, and enables you to support our global community. For more information and the benefits of membership>>

Lynn Newdome is an authorized Santi Maha Sangha / Dzogchen Community teacher. She has studied Chogyal Namkhai Norbu's teachings for 25 years, and with other Tibetan Buddhist masters for over 50 years.

Lynn is a professional violinist and instructor, with a Master of Music Degree from Boston University.

New practitioners must attend the entire retreat or at least the first session, to receive the lung.

Suggested Donation: $35 for the entire retreat, $10 per session

All participants must have a copy of the Medium Ganapuja.
The Medium Ganapuja is in the "The Book of Tun and Ganapuja" (highly recommended), which may be purchased from the Shang Shung USA Bookstore by members who have received transmission (or, for those in Europe, from the Shang Shung Publications online store). Please order your book early, so the bookstores know how many to make available.
Non-members and those without transmission may download the Medium Ganapuja here>>

Shang Shung Institute of America Bookstore:

Shang  Shung Publications online store (Italy):