Date: January 29th, 2025.

New Moon Ganapuja

New Moon Ganapuja
Wednesday, January 29th, 2025

Hosted by Tsegyalgar East and Kundrolling
Open to members of the International Dzogchen Community (IDC)
All Times are EST NYC Time (Eastern Standard Time, New York City Time)
Check your time zone>>

5:30pm, in-person at the Tsegyalgar East Gonpa, 18 Schoolhouse Rd, Conway, MA & via Zoom
Join Zoom via the Tsegyalgar East Collective Practice Zoom link:
Enter meeting ID and passcode provided. 

Before leaving the Gonpa:

  • All food and drinks should be consumed, taken home with you, or thrown away.
  • The offering to the Three Roots and the remainders should be removed (not left in the yard). Please limit your offering of the remains to a very tiny bit of food.
  • At least one person should be designated by turns to make sure that no food or drinks remain and that the floor and the table where offerings are prepared are clean.

    Thank you, Tsegyalgar East Red Gakyil

Also 7pm online from Kundrolling
Join Zoom via IDC Kundrolling's recurring Ganapuja and Vajradance Link:
Enter meeting ID and passcode provided. 

The Zoom meeting link can be found in the weekly Tsegyalgar East Practice Schedule E-mail. If you are an IDC member and have not received the Zoom link please email:

Art by Dzogchen Community Member Ans Swart

The following resources are available at the Shang Shung USA Bookstore:*

And at Shang  Shung Publications online store (Italy):

*Reserved items are materials intended for the International Dzogchen Community. In order to purchase this item one must be a current member of the Dzogchen Community, and must have received Transmission from Chogyal Namkhai Norbu or Yeshi Namkha. For more information>>