Date: March 24th, 2021.

Time: 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM

The Purification of the Six Lokas

The Purification of the Six Lokas Collective Practice

  • Wednesdays at 5:00pm (ET - NYC time)

Location: via Zoom videoconference

Time converter:

***The Zoom videoconference link has been emailed to Tsegyalgar East members. It is also included in our Sangha App event listings. If you an IDC member and have not received the Zoom link or do not have access to the Sangha App please email:***

Open to members of the International Dzogchen Community (IDC)

Support Tsegyalgar East, or your local Gar or Ling, by joining or rejoining the International Dzogchen Community (IDC) in 2021. Your membership benefits your Gar/Ling of choice, and enables you to support our global community as you participate in online weekly programs/courses/practice retreats.

Please donate to Tsegyalgar East Online Programs, remember each Gar and Ling is responsible for the different programs you participate in!

With gratitude,

Tsegyalgar East Gakyil

The following resources are available at the Shang Shung USA Bookstore:*

*Reserved items are materials intended for the Dzogchen Community. In order to purchase this item one must be a current member of the Dzogchen Community, and must have received Transmission from Chogyal Namkhai Norbu.

**Please allow 1-5 days to receive your download link -- we generate these manually, and thus need to be in the office to send them to you. We'll get them to you as soon as possible!