Date: December 10th-11th, 2011.
Location: FLORENCE Community Center, 140 Pine St, Rm 10, Florence, MA, 01062
Contact: or 413-369-4153
This course begins a series of beginning courses in Yantra Yoga open to the public. Follow-up courses by Paula Barry will be offered in January and February 2012 at the Florence Center.
First and Second Series offered January 7 & 8
Tsadul and Deepening the Eight Movements on February 25 & 26
Yantra Yoga or the Tibetan Yoga of Movement, is one of the oldest recorded systems of Yoga that exists in the world, coming to us through Tibet.
"In the practice of Yantra Yoga we use our body, our voice or our breath and our mind. With the body we do positions and movements, with the voice/breath there are many techniques of pranayamas or breathing practices and with the mind there are many ways to concentrate and visualize. The aim is to go beyond judging and thinking with our mind. We call this contemplation. When we apply all these three aspects together, we have the possibility to arrive at our real knowledge or the understanding of our primordial state, our original condition. That is the real meaning of yoga in Yantra Yoga."
" Choegyal Namkhai Norbu
In this December 10 & 11 week-end course, participants will learn the proper way to do the 9 breathings for exhaling the stale air, the five movements for loosening the joints, and the eight yantras for purifying the prana. This course is good for beginners or to refresh your knowledge of Yantra Yoga. Paula Barry is a certified Yantra instructor by Choegyal Namkhai Norbu. There will be several follow-up courses for beginners with training in the first and second series of Yantra.
Saturday, December 10
9:00 AM-Noon
3:00 PM-6:00 PM
Sunday, December 11
9:00 AM-Noon
$60 for entire course or $20 per session
Contact the secretary at or 413-369-4153 to register. To book a room in the Tsegyalgar East Dormitory, contact
For further information about Yantra Yoga and recommended books and videos, visit: